Sep 9, 2009

GoD M.S.G [Sept 09-15, 2009]

Read Luke 18:35-43 (NLT)

Faith is not believing that God can, but that GOD WILL!

In the Gospel of Luke, the story takes place where a blink beggar was sitting beside the road and when he knew Jesus was passing by he wanted to be healed by him as he believed in the name he called out to - "Son of David" and the next line goes have mercy on me. He called out once and everyone around him tried to silence him, and so he called out AGAIN!

i am so glad that my cries out to God are not a nuisance to him, and that i am able to be receive by a loving God who will never never never let me go. The God of the how much more! In our troubled times, do we let Christ be our savior or do we simply wait till we are desperate for him to know that we cannot depend on our own self-sufficient of this world.

The darkness i live in has been the fear of not having anyone around - i always need to be in community to feel that i am loved. The feelings of being together in the community will only last as long as the person is with you during that time, and then the rest would be alone. How foolish!!! The lies of your heart as the evil one eats up your emotions to drown you! Courage my friend in the name of Jesus, come to Christ and reach out to him as he earns to have a deeper relationship with you.

When you feel helpless, Call out! Luke 18:37-38
When doubt shouts back at us, CALL AGAIN! Luke 18:39

'If you wake me each morning with the sound of your loving voice,
I'll go to sleep each night trusting in you' ... Psalms 143

Let me say a prayer for you ...
Father God, brings us closer to you even nearer now with all the reality we live in this world today! In your name, come be our provider, healer, and consulor ... change our lives Lord, to be holy and in your approval! In Jesus name . Amen!

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