Jan 27, 2009

GoD M.S.G. [Jan 28 - Feb 3, 2009]

Help me understand the meaning of your commandments,
and I will meditate on your wonderful deeds (Psalm 119:27 NLT)

I found this black sheet with these white letters written on it, and on the opposite side it was written in chinese. This was inserted in one of the pages in my books and I was quite amaze how I came across it, then at the bottom of the sheet it read - Put this black sheet beneath a page to enhance readability. :)) Place a smile to my face as it was a very small but lovely gesture of the person creating that slogan and I smiled.

Nothing . . . in the whole world will ever be able to seperate us from the love of God (Romans 8:39).

We are all someone, special! Our life's resume ... what would you put in it? Will you place only the good things and leave the rest hidden. I learned in Matt chapter 1:1-17 - the Genealogy of Jesus - he places not only the good people but also the people that are not so good. It shows me how great God's plan eventually, all the people who path the way for Jesus Christ. Believe and recive the Grace knowing our own sinfulness but constantly being loved by God at the same time! When you sit and rest, God fights for you. When you fight your battles, he will sit and rest. Therefore allow grace to work in our lives, as God restores the lost time and renews a better future for us.

Take some time to do some devotional ... if not spend a bit of time to pray - to allow God's son to brighten or heal us at all times.


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On the Resumé of Grace Matthew 1:1-17 by Andre Ong

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