Feb 19, 2009

GoD M.S.G. [Feb 18 - 24, 2009]

Have a lovely day and take a break to sit-stop-listen (Pine: Rice&Virtue).

Francis Law

As I was siting down on my desk today and looked at the sky, wow - so many stars ... too many probabilities that might occur in that vast amount of space. Movies that talk about how you should believe in them, their ideas, their love and their their their - don't let the world misguide you in life. Jesus is the way and an everlasting change in our lives - Wake up, come to OUR SENSES!!! Begin to see, reality as it really is. I really like the poem Andre read when he was on a flight, it is indeed very amazing how God fills our lives. So I leave you with the poem and pray for your days ahead in the weeks so that you will continue to receive God's love.

I was a neurotic for years.
Anxious, depressed, selfish.
And everyone kept telling me to change.
And I resented them, and agreed with them,
and wanted to change, but simply couldn't, no matter how I tried.

What hurt the most was that,
like the others, my closest friend kept urging me to change.
So I felt powerless and trapped.

One day he said "Whether or not you change. I love you as you are."
Those words were music to my ears: "Whether or not you change. I love you as you are …
Whether or not you change. I love you as you are ... I relaxed.
I came alive. And, suddenly, I changed!
Now I know that I couldn't really change till I found someone to love me whether I changed or not.

Is this how you love me, God?

(Quoted from Andre's sermon Feb 15, 2009)

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