Apr 29, 2009

GoD M.S.G. [Apr 29 - May 05, 2009]

This week continues the Book of Esther 4:1-17
Living by Grace in the World - Transform in the midst of Ambiguity

The world is filled with such marvels! The world was made perfect but somehow our lives in this age and society is controlled and domesticated by our occupation. God places us in the positions we are in and rather introduce God's grace in our lives we might chose to look the other way. How comfortable we are in our mist of activities, social status, work environment, etc etc etc, that sometimes we forget to remind ourselves how important it is - God has place me there!

I was reading an interview that Hillsong's song writer, Amanda Ferguson, written a book called Songs of Heaven, and in it she describes worship as this: “setting aside one’s pre-occupation with self, and focusing on God.” She placed her self-centerness out and allow Christ to use her occupation of song-writing to do God's work. Didn't place Christ aside but instead focus on God first, and her worship songs become of praise that spring forth like living water to glorify Christ. Christ comes before your occupation not after as it was the grace of God we realize that Jesus is our ultimate savior, source of identity and where our real worth comes from, we are now free to use our occupations for him. Stop my friends in your busy life, sit with the Lord, and listen to his voice. For he wants of great things to come out from each and single one of us.

This week "When you talk, do not say harmful tings, but say what people need-words that will help others become stronger" (Ephesians 4:29). Learn to be humble as your life is already full of joy why place harmful thoughts in your mind. Surrender all for him and know that you are not alone . . . as we follow Jesus unconditionally to use our skills for him knowing Jesus has already done for us.

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