Apr 8, 2009

GoD M.S.G [April 8-14, 2009]

Dearest friends & family,

It has been a sunny week here in San Diego, except Tuesday night for now - as it rained, poured, showered, watered...got wet while walking to car or to neighbors home. But for those if you have a shelter path, while it is raining; that is GREAT!

It has been quite a walk with God and such a marvelous joy it is to walk with him. The way our lives shape and form once awaken by Grace - and knowing Christ is not working his magic but his love so that we can be risen from our death in sin and transformed into life through Jesus Christ.

Romans 12:2 (NLT)

2 Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

Do you conform to the world's reality? I look at the movies I own and the TV shows I watch...hmmmm media is such a great tool to spread lies or bombard us with more lies if we do not catch what we are seeing, hearing or receiving. I almost wanted to go study nursing or become a doctor after watching a touching movie on how they save lives (Patch Adams), or a coast guard (The Guardian). They provide great entertainment and visual aid to other people's lives, but it is not our lives. God created us in his image and we go about our lives seeking other Gods(Idols), forgetting the God who created the heaven and earth. Seek the truth=reality - Jesus came to testify to the truth (John 8:37).
Our minds are a wonderful tool given to us but we fill it with stuff that you might think is good, sufficient knowledge for you. One day you will end up empty and find your life to be meaningless. Let God transform us, like Jesus when he was transformed after he died on the cross, so that we can be fully not dead in our lives with sin, but alive with Jesus Christ in his grace.

Dear brother & sisters,
As the time for Easter has arrive, let it now about finding easter eggs, and great music, nice atmosphere in the church, but it is about you - whom has come down to earth, encountered us, died for us, and because of this we can be transform through Christ inside out in our lives to be renewed in our minds and say, I am here God. Amen.

Have a great week ahead, I miss you all those back home and to those close by - see you soon for Easter service.

Francis Law

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