May 27, 2009

GoD M.S.G. [May 27-Jun 02, 2009]

Channels of Grace - Worship I

This week's sermon has been interesting as it refers to Worship. i have been singing Christian songs/hymns over the years; and now over in the International Christian Fellowship (ICF) ministry God has given me the chance to lead worship.
What is worship to me?
Merriam-Webster defines worship as, “to honor or reverence as a divine being or supernatural power” or “to regard with great or extravagant respect, honor, or devotion” following up with “to perform or take part in worship or an act of worship.” At first i defined worship as a need to lead people to sing to God so they can have a better relationship with Christ, but this week i truly believe in worship is focused on the Provider.

Prayer focuses on the problem | Praise focuses on the provision | Worship focuses on the PROVIDER

The presence of God has never been such fire in my life, Pastor Andre helped me on Sunday to understand it is not my own truths that i come before God but accepting that God has authority in our lives as He will create in us a better person than when we try to change it ourselves.

1. Worship must be based on the truth of Biblical revelation and not on our feelings alone (Gen 22:1-2)
2. True worship requires preparation (Gen 22:3)
3. True worship requires separation from our distractions and worldly concerns
(Gen 22:4-5)
4. True worship requires intentional dedication of our best towards God (Gen 22: 6-10)
5. Genuine worship leads to increased faith in Our God who provides everything in His faithfulness (Gen 22:11-14)
6. Worship is recognizing that God is still God, all-powerful, all-gracious, all-loving, and in total control, even in the midst of our struggles

True worship results in supernatural restoration

My life has been going through a transformation and i give all my blessing to God as He works in my life daily. The world with all their noises tries to distract me and show me things i need to worry about, however if you read the story in Gensis 22:1-19, the powerful message that has been proclaim is that even though God provided a ram in place of Isaac - the place called Mount Moriah centuries later on on the same mountain range, a Father leads His Son there where - The One and Only Son was put on the wood again - For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life - John 3:16.

Romans 8:32
He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?

Our lives are filled with so many decisions, have you taken the time to chat or rest in God? Will you let your lives be endless running to Your Goals, Your Ways, Your Needs? Will you let God take over and be in front of your lives and lead you, in every single Big or Small things in your lives. Let us continue to worship him and in truth that our lives are restored by Jesus. To give all and not hold back in fear we are not worthy - oh we are messed up but God is still running towards you to allow you to make that one step - turn towards Jesus.

Thank you Andre for your inspirations

May 20, 2009

GoD M.S.G. [May 20 - 26, 2009]

To Blend In or to Separate? Daniel 1:1-7; 2:26-49

How do we live in Grace together with the world. There are two possible ways when we as international students move in to a new environment or city, we either culturally assimilate (blend in) or culturally separate. When i arrived in the USA, all i did in school was to try to blend in. Some friends in Singapore would tell me that I was going to get beaten up, discriminated, and should never be alone when going out. Funny thing is, I was alone here in the USA - with no friends, no family, no similar Singaporean culture around. So all i did for 1 year was to blend in, talk the talk and walk the walk. However there is no change from inside, just an outward projection for people to know i'm cool and easy to hang out with.

i'm not saying i was a fake person when i blended in, what i am sharing is that i was a kind-hearted person inside but i did not let the kind-heartiness flow out, rather i allowed the the dominant culture to be adopted in my lifestyle. i want to be in between assimilation and separation; God is calling us to be spiritually bi-cultural - be where the people are, love them, live excellently in the word, but with hearts grounded on God. Jeremiah 15:19; John 3:17; John 17:11, 15-16; Daniel 2:27

Our lives should be rooted in Christ, the ultimate foundation! Do not let the world blind you with their happiness, but only in which Christ's approval, security, and power, are we able to live EXCELLENTLY in the world by grace. When i use my skills, He is always ahead of me . . . Be His witness to the truth and be the light and salt of the world. Matt 5:13-16

Be a lamp that lights up the room and not just under the table where no one can see. For you Christ died, for you - He will never stop loving.

1 Cor 10:4
Luke 17:20-21
Revelation 11:15

Thank you Andre for the message.

May 13, 2009

GoD M.S.G. [May 13-19, 2009]

i was sitting down and there are so many questions out there that points to God's existence being redundant, no need as it is way better and cooler to be in control of our own lives. We depend on ourselves . . . why would i need to find time to go seek a relationship with God who takes up time, commitment and unconditional love. i was looking and asking, what is going on? The lies of the world is so sweet that when it bites, we are so accustom we never differentiate the grace of God from the lies of the Tempter.

i seek his Truth daily and want to be transform from inside out. The relationship with friends i yearn for are genuine ones and it is not by spending money on them or telling nice things into their ears, but the sacrifice of time and commitment to build genuine and unconditional friendships. The same goes for having a relationship with Christ, it does not just stop at the Bible, there is much more than truth when you encounter Grace and so it is a life-long quest that i am seeking to see his nature and character working in my life.
Jesus came into this world to transform us and make our lives better . . . sit and see the courage that Ruth had, in not leaving her mother-in-law, Naomi, their husbands died; money was little; there is no more joy around the family, Ruth's sacrifice and care for Naomi in not going back to her people and God, was genuine.

I know the journey seems so long
You feel you're walking on your own
But there has never been a step
Where you've walked out all alone

May the Lord work in the most ordinary and hard times of our lives. where we do not see, God works. "i am not alone" - For i can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength (Phil 4:13 NLT). Have a great week.

May 9, 2009

Phil Wickham - God's instrument

i was leading worship at ICF & the worship songs i was listening to before worship were from Phil Wickham, the love of Jesus never stops loving us - Amen. Living with Grace and not just flowing with it . . . Have a great week ahead and enjoy the songs :))



True Love


May 6, 2009

GoD M.S.G. [May 6 - 12, 2009]

This week we covered Esther 3:1-15 in the series of sermons on how to - Live By Grace In The World.

C.S. Lewis mentions that Humility is not thinking less of yourself but it is thinking of yourself less! This week we venture into Pride as it exist practically everywhere and in everyone. It is how becoming aware of it, the programming of wanting to be superior towards others. Pride can makes us into fools and evil among friends and our loved ones. i was sitting down listening to the sermon and then our care-group discussed about the issue of Pride in our lives.

i feel really messed up. Always want to be better as i was afraid to lose out to the competition of being last and stupid, so in order to filled up my hungry spirit and needy soul, i filled it with Pride and sin. In Singapore there is a term we use, Kiasu (kia-su) word that literally means 'fear of losing' (怕輸). Examples of kiasu behavior includes accumulating too much food on one's plate during a buffet lunch in case there is no more later, or joining a queue many days in advance just to ensure that one successfully gets hold of the limited free tickets to events, promotions and shows such as Singapore's annual National Day Parade.

In Esther 3, Haman's position was superior and when all would bow to him and Mordecai wouldn't, he plotted to eliminate the competition by not only killing Mordecai but him and the rest of his kind - the Jews. Pride leads us to ask the right things but to the wrong King. Who is your King? Do you know who he is . . . only when our needy and hungry hearts are satisfied with the deep love, honor and affirmation of God do we STOP going elsewhere to get it. i do not seek the treasures of this world but the ones Christ gives. i will struggle with pride, no doubt but it is being aware of it and coming to Christ whom is confident and love us - can we live in grace and not in ourselves.

Galatians 6:4 (NKJV)
But let each one examine his own work, and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another.

My brothers and sisters, it is not in our own strengths but with Christ we live. Humble our hearts and our lives, create in us a center that listens to your humility and not to ourselves in knowing we are greater than others because they do not do it as good as you. Let God be the approval, for he is Holy Holy God Almighty! amen.