May 6, 2009

GoD M.S.G. [May 6 - 12, 2009]

This week we covered Esther 3:1-15 in the series of sermons on how to - Live By Grace In The World.

C.S. Lewis mentions that Humility is not thinking less of yourself but it is thinking of yourself less! This week we venture into Pride as it exist practically everywhere and in everyone. It is how becoming aware of it, the programming of wanting to be superior towards others. Pride can makes us into fools and evil among friends and our loved ones. i was sitting down listening to the sermon and then our care-group discussed about the issue of Pride in our lives.

i feel really messed up. Always want to be better as i was afraid to lose out to the competition of being last and stupid, so in order to filled up my hungry spirit and needy soul, i filled it with Pride and sin. In Singapore there is a term we use, Kiasu (kia-su) word that literally means 'fear of losing' (怕輸). Examples of kiasu behavior includes accumulating too much food on one's plate during a buffet lunch in case there is no more later, or joining a queue many days in advance just to ensure that one successfully gets hold of the limited free tickets to events, promotions and shows such as Singapore's annual National Day Parade.

In Esther 3, Haman's position was superior and when all would bow to him and Mordecai wouldn't, he plotted to eliminate the competition by not only killing Mordecai but him and the rest of his kind - the Jews. Pride leads us to ask the right things but to the wrong King. Who is your King? Do you know who he is . . . only when our needy and hungry hearts are satisfied with the deep love, honor and affirmation of God do we STOP going elsewhere to get it. i do not seek the treasures of this world but the ones Christ gives. i will struggle with pride, no doubt but it is being aware of it and coming to Christ whom is confident and love us - can we live in grace and not in ourselves.

Galatians 6:4 (NKJV)
But let each one examine his own work, and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another.

My brothers and sisters, it is not in our own strengths but with Christ we live. Humble our hearts and our lives, create in us a center that listens to your humility and not to ourselves in knowing we are greater than others because they do not do it as good as you. Let God be the approval, for he is Holy Holy God Almighty! amen.

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