May 20, 2009

GoD M.S.G. [May 20 - 26, 2009]

To Blend In or to Separate? Daniel 1:1-7; 2:26-49

How do we live in Grace together with the world. There are two possible ways when we as international students move in to a new environment or city, we either culturally assimilate (blend in) or culturally separate. When i arrived in the USA, all i did in school was to try to blend in. Some friends in Singapore would tell me that I was going to get beaten up, discriminated, and should never be alone when going out. Funny thing is, I was alone here in the USA - with no friends, no family, no similar Singaporean culture around. So all i did for 1 year was to blend in, talk the talk and walk the walk. However there is no change from inside, just an outward projection for people to know i'm cool and easy to hang out with.

i'm not saying i was a fake person when i blended in, what i am sharing is that i was a kind-hearted person inside but i did not let the kind-heartiness flow out, rather i allowed the the dominant culture to be adopted in my lifestyle. i want to be in between assimilation and separation; God is calling us to be spiritually bi-cultural - be where the people are, love them, live excellently in the word, but with hearts grounded on God. Jeremiah 15:19; John 3:17; John 17:11, 15-16; Daniel 2:27

Our lives should be rooted in Christ, the ultimate foundation! Do not let the world blind you with their happiness, but only in which Christ's approval, security, and power, are we able to live EXCELLENTLY in the world by grace. When i use my skills, He is always ahead of me . . . Be His witness to the truth and be the light and salt of the world. Matt 5:13-16

Be a lamp that lights up the room and not just under the table where no one can see. For you Christ died, for you - He will never stop loving.

1 Cor 10:4
Luke 17:20-21
Revelation 11:15

Thank you Andre for the message.

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