May 13, 2009

GoD M.S.G. [May 13-19, 2009]

i was sitting down and there are so many questions out there that points to God's existence being redundant, no need as it is way better and cooler to be in control of our own lives. We depend on ourselves . . . why would i need to find time to go seek a relationship with God who takes up time, commitment and unconditional love. i was looking and asking, what is going on? The lies of the world is so sweet that when it bites, we are so accustom we never differentiate the grace of God from the lies of the Tempter.

i seek his Truth daily and want to be transform from inside out. The relationship with friends i yearn for are genuine ones and it is not by spending money on them or telling nice things into their ears, but the sacrifice of time and commitment to build genuine and unconditional friendships. The same goes for having a relationship with Christ, it does not just stop at the Bible, there is much more than truth when you encounter Grace and so it is a life-long quest that i am seeking to see his nature and character working in my life.
Jesus came into this world to transform us and make our lives better . . . sit and see the courage that Ruth had, in not leaving her mother-in-law, Naomi, their husbands died; money was little; there is no more joy around the family, Ruth's sacrifice and care for Naomi in not going back to her people and God, was genuine.

I know the journey seems so long
You feel you're walking on your own
But there has never been a step
Where you've walked out all alone

May the Lord work in the most ordinary and hard times of our lives. where we do not see, God works. "i am not alone" - For i can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength (Phil 4:13 NLT). Have a great week.

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