Jun 17, 2009

GoD M.S.G. [Jun 17-23, 2009]

Hi Hi!!!

How are you??? i hope all is well and that you are enjoying the day coz it is one day i send out e-mails to you and connect through this amazing internet. So as i was thinking about this i googled the creator of the world wide wide (even the word "Googling" has become a usable word use in daily conversations!!!).

Summarized info:
1964, The Internet was originally developed by DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, as a means to share information on defense research between involved universities and defense research facilities. just email and FTP sites as well as the Usenet where scientists could question and answer each other. Tim Berners-Lee developed the technology and Al Gore had a part in making the internet more legal ... etc etc etc

Interesting information, but then my mind started to wonder as a Christian. i wanted to find out what Google and Bing(Microsoft new search engine) had to say, and i typed in Who Created Humans - the result i got from the top hits are mostly pointing towards "if it's Religion God created if not it's evolution".

Wow, in the world there is a clear separation between the creator and his creations. Do we really put God aside in the our lives? Would you have faith that Jesus Christ is truly your way ... this week Freddy preached a message on Grace in Reality and how wonderful it is to be able to know we are loved no matter how messed up we are! Once we become aware that our lives are not of our own but belong to Jesus Christ who has paid for our sins to die on the cross - i realize how my reality is not about me but it is about Him. i needed to recognize and accept my brokenness which is my standards in orderfor my life to change. i myself cannot even meet my own standard, much less God's standards.

Matt 5:3-5

When Pride comes,
Then comes Dis-Grace (no grace),
but with humility comes wisdom
- Proverbs 11:2

Believing in Him will result our depending on Hum and not on our own effort ... ... Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too. You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had. (Philippians 2:1-5)

My dearest, the ways of the world are wonderful - but there is a greater wonder that is the treasures God has for you will NEVER never never never stop as he takes joy in loving you and me. So be joyful in your life that nothing takes your eyes away from Christ who is the source and light in your darkness. Place your worries and let Christ be No.1 in your life! Amen

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