Jun 24, 2009

GoD M.S.G [Jun 24-30, 2009]

This week the reading came from Luke 11:1-13. If you read the chapter from the Bible, the parable/story that Jesus told was about a dude who went over to his friend's place at midnight as he had friends over but no more food and so needed some from him. But he doesn't want to open up as he and the family are all asleep, however if you knock long enough that friend will open up as he doesn't want to be a bad friend. Jesus told this parable not to tell us that perseverance is needed to come to God, however Jesus is showing us that God is not like the reluctant friend but is more than ready to give therefore "ask and it shall be given."
i used to pray because as i was a Christian and that was what i was told would work and would be bless if i pray. Prayer is no longer a performance, a right formula, a rigid perseverance but focused on the God of "How Much More!" The God that will never never never forsaken you, and so i will never never never stop worshiping you!!!
Here's a poem for your week and do enjoy the rest of the day ... GO out and enjoy God's miracles.

Never Alone!

He can calm the troubled waters
When you walk in dark despair.
There is hope when you feel helpless
Knowing that the Lord is there...

Sharing in your sunshine moments
Or in valleys deep and wide,
He is always by your side.

There's no other friend so faithful
Through the sunshine and rain,
Through the teardrops and the laughter,
In your joy and in your pain.

We could never, ever thank Him
For His love He gives so free,
Never changing...never ending
Throughout all eternity.

Oh, the wonder of all wonders
As we live from day to day,
Knowing that we have a Father
Who is with us all the way.

Poet, Gertrude B. McClain

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