Jul 8, 2009

GoD M.S.G. [July 08-14, 2009]

deaR friend,

How are you? i am sorry for always asking this question but i do miss your company and hope to fellowship someday. i hope all is well in your life ... i'm doing well and if you do not know we are already in the month of JULY! Well it was a wonder to be able to see fireworks on the eve and actual 4th of July Independence Day! From what i hear there is normally no fireworks on the eve just on the actual, so it was great to be able to catch the spectacular display of lights in the sky

This week's journey brings us into John 13:1-16
Jesus washes his disciples' feet. Peter protested to Jesus that he will never wash his feet, however Jesus answered, "Unless I wash you, you have no part with me." If we do not learn to receive from Jesus, we will never be a part of him.

If we do not know how to receive, we will not know how to give freely to others. i think for me that is something i am working on all the time. i have a hard time of receiving as in my culture i have been so cautious when people are giving as they are expecting something back from me ... how much more am i to give them, the pressure is on-going to return the favor to others when it is given. In Michael Jackson's life, he was always trying to do so much to make everyone happy as it would allow him to have peace. To work and work and work and working to accomplish of now at his death - he is a legend. Jesus teaches us through his parables that God is a seeking one, He goes out to find the lost sheep; the lost coin; and the son who is lost - He does not sit on his butt but runs out with his arms open wide to show how much he cares for you not because you are messed up but because He loves you so very very much.

Grace offers us relief from the crushing weight of the past and can truly change a future! Jesus cleansed us and will continue to do so as we are dumb sheeps who like to run our own way and be lost. Turn towards the everlasting life of Jesus Christ and allow him to wash you immediately by his Love and Grace.

Matt 18:3; 5; 19:14
Romans 5:10-11

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